Hacking the browser

Week2-Blur Bookmarklet


Update: this week I try to figure out the why the blur effect didn't wort, and it truns out the external library sequence is wrong so I changed order of them with Cory's help, and it works now :D  -- Febrary 14



This week's assignment--

Make a bookmarklet that works against the user. It might make links harder to see/click (change color, move them around), remove form elements, put image/div on top of page, etc, make it less informative/useful. Interpret this how you like. It can be a bookmarklet that works generically on (most) sites, or one that is tailored for a specific site.

For this week's assignment, I want to make a bookmarklet to make the website difficult to seen by users. At first I want to make the whole page blur (not specific element but whole page) , so I wrapped whole page in a iframe, clear all the original elements in the body. And then I'd like to use external JS or JQuery blur library to make the whole page in a blur effect.


I tried all the libraries mentioned above, unfortunately, none of them works in this case. (seems like the link of JQuery library didn't work)

I use these lines to add external links in bookmarklet



Then I tried to mess up the style by using the iframe overlay on the original page , and insert a zombie picture in the background (maybe try a gif next time). Some website won't allow iframe for security issue like twitter, git hub, stackoverflow... So this bookmarklet may not works on these websites.

Week1-Hacking the browser

This week our assignment is 

Create a “responsive” web page or codepen that responds to some unexpected aspect of the browsing experience. 

I'd like to make a chrome extension- weather radio, which can provide user the weather forecast in real time base on user's geolocation. And the UI will changed base on the different weather. Meanwhile, sounds related to the specific weather will play. 

Next step, I'd like to use css animation to make some animation icon or weather related user interface, hope it can provide more fun.