TOOLKITS: Processing, Kinect V2, OpenCV
COLLABORATORS: Craig Pickard, Karthik Patanjali, David Cihelna
Convohack at Babycastles (NYC, 2015),
NYU ITP Spring Showcase (NYC, 2015) ,
NYC Media Lab Annual Summit (NYC, 2015),
UNDP We The People’s Technology Showcase during the United Nations General Assembly (NYC, 2015),
Microsoft Innovation Hub (NYC, 2015)
This Mirror is a creative experiment designed with augmented reality technology. It uses facial tracking and feature recognition technologies to create interactions between strangers. Specifically, it uses a Kinnect camera to track faces appear in front of the display screen (the “mirror”). If users in front of the screen are found by the camera, in using the OpenCV, This Mirror will generate a thought bubble for each user. Based on users’ features including their facial expressions and clothing, This Mirror will generate different contents for dialogues in users’ thought bubbles on screen. In doing so, we hope This Mirror can help to create close interactions and communications even between strangers. By mimicking private thoughts for our users, This Mirror is designed to make them laugh and open themselves to others.
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